United States Export Controls

The United States federal government has enacted laws that regulate the distribution of specific technology, information and services to foreign persons and foreign countries for reasons of national security and foreign policy. These laws are applicable to U.S. citizens, and are relevant to the university community, especially in respect to travel and research conducted by individuals alone and/or in affiliation with the university. The laws apply to exports of “controlled” items and technologies, and to deemed exports. In recent years, penalties have been enhanced to impact not only individuals, but also institutions; thus, universities have implemented export control programs to educate their employees and to facilitate the export control license application process when necessary and appropriate. In addition, many universities have adopted policies to assure that research conducted meets the criteria of “fundamental research,” to increase the chance that faculty research will not require an export controls license.

Academic Affairs Personnel

All Academic Affairs faculty and staff are required to submit the Export Controls Foreign Travel Disclosure Form for Use by Academic Affairs Faculty and Staff a minimum of two weeks prior to international travel or commencement of projects where they will work with foreign persons, educational institutions, or businesses. Routing instructions are provided on the form.

 Export Controls Form Required 

SUNY Research  Foundation

RF Controls Form Required

SRF Export Controls Fact Sheet

Buffalo State College Compliance

Export Controls Compliance at Buffalo State, Sponsored Programs Office